Don't Throw in the Towel!

Many of you have great ideas and goals for 2018.
To manifest those dreams, you will need to work as you have never worked before.
During the manifestation process, you are certain to have moments of discouragement, and you may be ready to throw in the towel.
When that moment arises, remember this story about seven men who decided to go fishing.
Seven men fished all night but didn’t catch any fish.
In the morning, they heard a voice from the shore asking, “Have you caught anything?”
“No,” was their reply.
The voice from the shore said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you will get plenty."
The men acted immediately, and their nets were filled beyond capacity.
The message is simple. Instead of throwing in the towel try resting, listening to your spirit, accept what you hear, then throw out your net again.
Dr. Johnette Ruffner-Ceaser is the Founder & CEO of Liberated Expressions, LLC. Dr. Ceaser has served as a progressive nonprofit executive, with over 16 years of leadership experience managing local and nationally recognized education programs. She created Liberated Expressions from her journey to personal and professional freedom. She uses the lessons from her voyage to do transformative work in communities across the country.